Happy days…

Happy first day of spring people! I’m quite proud of myself for managing to ward off the usual SAD I get during the winter months. It wasn’t nearly so bad this year. Partly this is due to not having to get up at 5am for a two-and-a-half-hour train journey to work. I now skip out of bed (yeah right!) at a glorious 8 and walk ten minutes. I also get to leave work at the usual time and get home ten minutes later and not (as was the case six months (ish) ago) at 9pm. Yes, I lived in a dark, dark world. It’s no wonder I had the blues!

But now spring is here, the sky (today at least) is blue and the birds are chirpupping (actually, the seagulls are peeving me – in Swansea they weren’t nearly as loud, I’m sure). I’m looking forward to my second glorious summer in the lovely (if a little twee) town of Bath (or is it a city? I’m not so sure).